Eve Kenneally
Taylor Swift Reveals She Doesn't Need A Role Model Because She's Already On Top of the World
& don’t even get her started
on wiretaps, the vintage baseballs she stores
in a fish tank. She'll offer you sparkling
water, a rack of white nightgowns. Double-shaped
& female to her hips, sharpens her nails
into points & please God do not ask
about Project Sparrow or feed the koi. Her whole
maiden face knocked
praying mantis pods off Christmas trees (Live Praying
Mantids! Will Not Eat Your Ladybugs. Guaranteed To Hatch!)
Taylor Swift might have missed her calling
in forensics — counting ribs, noting the pale
yellow enamel of girls found folded
& double-bagged.
Taylor Swift says I need to have pictures of people
I love everywhere Keds & Diet Coke.
Next, Taylor Swift will reapply her lip gloss
& suck that doe foot dry.